The silence of it all

I’ve been quite lately. At least as far as posting and commenting goes. I’m around and reading all the blogs…just being quiet.

Mostly I think it is because I usually do my posting and commenting from my work computer and I’ve been training someone for the last 2 weeks. Plus I was away last weekend, so you get the picture.

Other than that I just haven’t had much to say. Life is the same as it always is, me hurting and un-pregnant trying to get through life pretending like I am okay.

I rock at pretending.

But more on that in another post. I had an ear infection last week before I went on my trip so I went to the urgent care and got an antibiotic. I felt fine during my whole trip with the exception of some aching during the plane ride so I figured all was well. On Thursday my ears started feeling plugged again, on Friday I woke up with my left ear absolutely THROBBING. Seriously I couldn’t believe how much pain I was in. I went into work because I feel like all I do is miss work these days, but had to leave after 3 hours. I was absolutely miserable so I went back to the urgent care and they gave me a stronger antibiotic this time. I went home to rest but the pain was so bad I actually took one of the pain killers that I have left over from my surgery. I get why babies scream their heads off during ear infections now. OUCH! Then I was drugged up the rest of the night. Fun times.

I’m starting to feel better so I hope that the meds are working this time. Today J and I went to San Diego for a “walk” that he wanted to go on. This “walk” turned out to be an up hill hike. Not cool J, not cool. I can do flat hikes. There is one by our house that is 5 miles that I can do pretty well. But I don’t do up hill. At. All. I made it half way before telling him to go on without me, it was a good thing I did because apparently there were 2 rattlesnakes on the trail. One actually went across the trail in front of J.

Have I mentioned that I am deathly afraid of snakes? Seriously. One time I was pulling up to my parents house (in a jeep no less) and a tiny garden snake was making its way across the driveway and I had to drive around the block till it was gone. Deathly afraid.

I sat on a rock and enjoyed the cool breeze and vistas while J made his way to the top and back down. We are both fried. It was an overcast day so who needs sunscreen? Well since we are the whitest people around we really needed it apparently.

OMG J just walked out to show me his burn…he was wearing no shirt and a back pack= most awesome tan lines ever!

Happy Easter to you all!


Filed under Living Life, marriage, On the Road, Sickness

7 responses to “The silence of it all

  1. Trish- I totally get your silence. I’m sorry you’re still hurting and not pregnant, not to mention having an ear infection! Ouch! I had one of those recently and the vertigo was the thing that tripped me out the most! I can totally relate to the silence. That’s how I feel some days. And I can totally relate to the pretending. Sometimes I pretend so well I convince Hubster. And sometimes I pretend so well I convince myself that I’m ok! 😉 Anyway, take a pic of the awesome tan lines and have a good evening. Are you gonna try having the chiropractor help?

    • Yeah I am going to the chiropractor again on Wednesday. We’ll see if he can actually do anything.

      I should take a picture of him. His burn is pretty epic!

  2. Tami

    “Life is the same as it always is, me hurting and un-pregnant trying to get through life pretending like I am okay.” I know this experience is different for all of us, but I feel like you just jumped into my head. Probably my reason for radio silence as well.

    P.S. I don’t do uphill either. Screw that.

  3. I hope you are feeling better. Ear pain is horrible! Poor you and Hubby, sunburns are so painful. I bet his tanlines are funny! I have had some interesting ones over the years.

  4. DandelionBreeze... previously NYMum

    Sorry to hear that you haven’t been well and have been going through a difficult time… thinking of you and hope your dreams are on the horizon again soon xoxo

    PS. I’ve gone public again… so now easier to find 🙂 xo

  5. glad to hear about the chiro- lmk how it goes! maybe that will be my ticket to getting the Hubster to agree to me seeing one. he reeeeally doesn’t want me to. and did you take the pic?!? i hope so! epic sunburns are my favorite!

    ps-i tagged you in a post…i hope you play along because I’d like to know more about you! 🙂

  6. Bon

    I too am deathly afraid of snakes…. sometimes, if I talk about them too much – I’ll have nightmares…seriously!

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