No heartbeat.

Title says it all. Scheduling a D&C for tonight.


Filed under Depression, Miscarriage

67 responses to “No heartbeat.

  1. Oh honey no. No no no no no. I can’t believe it. I am so truly truly sorry and I am thinking of you. With love x x x

  2. Bon

    I’m so mad and sad and heartbroken right now….this is just not fair!!!!!!!


  3. I am so, so, so sorry. You don’t deserve to be going through this again. So many hugs for you ❤ ❤ ❤

  4. No no no no no no no no! Trisha, I am at a loss for words so I’m sending you all the love I have.

  5. My heart is breaking. I’m so, so, sorry. ❤

  6. Oh my God, sweetie, I am so sorry. There are just no words. Sending love your way… ❤

  7. My heart sank when I read your title… I’m so sorry…

  8. stork chaser

    No no no no noooooo! Trisha, I’m sooooo sorry. I know nothing I can say will help, but know my heart aches for you. I’m here if you every need anything or want to yell, scream or bawl your eyes out. Hugs!!!

  9. Every bit of me is with you right now. Sitting with compassion, and fury, and pain. Sitting with the devastating knowledge of what you are going through and feeling the ache all over again. We have this link and this bond that is saturated in beauty and agony. Through this mire and muck I’m loving you with everything that I am.

  10. Oh damn, This sucks! So, so sorry. Thinking of you.

  11. lexchantarelle

    Oh no!
    No no no no NO!
    My heart hurts for you.

  12. NO!!!! Oh Trisha, I’m heartbroken to see this news. I’m so sorry. Holding you in my heart.

  13. Mo

    Shit. I am so incredibly sorry hon. Hang in there – please take care of yourself.

  14. No! No no no no no…Oh Trisha…I’m so incredibly sorry. I know that words are meaningless right now, but I am sending you strength for the coming days.

  15. I have no words. Just praying for you.

  16. KelBel

    I am here from Stork Chaser’s blog…I am so very sorry. My heart aches for you.

  17. So very sorry. That is so horrible. I will keep you in my thoughts.

  18. I am so very, very sorry. This is heartbreaking and I cannot begin to imagine how difficult this must be but please know that I am thinking of you. ((HUGS))

  19. Oh no. I’m so, so sorry. Grieving with you.

  20. I have no words. Just a broken heart that will ache with yours every day.

  21. I am so very sorry to hear that.

  22. b

    I am so, so sorry to hear this. It is completely unfair. Thinking of you.

  23. Shhhiiit. I am so, so sorry sweetie. I am sending you enormous hugs.

  24. Nooooooooooo! Oh Trisha! My heart just broke. Oh honey I am so sorry. Sending you so much love.

  25. veetamia

    I am SO sorry….my heart stopped for a moment at reading this and I feel so incredibly sad. Please know that you are not alone. I’m sorry Trisha. I’m sending you my love and prayers.

  26. K.Smitty

    Aw hunny I am so sorry to hear this. I’ll be praying for you. Xo

  27. ohhh Trish, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe this is happening to you. It’s so unfair, I’m so so sorry for all the hurt you must be feeling right now. You’re in our hearts, xoxoxo

  28. Trisha, I’m just so, so sorry. I know there aren’t words that can make it better, but please know that we are all thinking about and praying for you. So sorry, chica. xo

  29. M

    Oh, honey. I’m so very sorry. Big big hugs.

  30. So heartbroken and angry. Carrying you and MB in my heart.

  31. I am so, so sorry. No words. *huge hugs*

  32. prayers and thoughts to you Trisha….I haven’t been following you long, but this brought instant tears to my eyes..thinking of you!

  33. I am so heartbroken for you. Sending prayers your way that you find peace. ❤

  34. Trisha, I’m so very sorry for your loss. I will be thinking of you and sending light and love.

  35. 35life

    Oh no! I am so sorry. So sorry to hear this. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  36. Oh no Trisha. This shit isn’t supposed to happen….. 😦

  37. I’m so sorry. Thinking of you.

  38. I am so so so so sorry!! My heart is breaking for you! We found out the same news a little over 7 weeks ago. I am so sorry! Thinking of you!!

  39. I’m so very sorry what you are going through. This is so unfair and you shouldn’t have to endure this pain. Thinking of you.

  40. I am so sorry to hear this news. Hugs to you.

  41. I am so, so sorry. I also lost a baby at a similar time (9 weeks 1 day last July), so although I don’t know how you are feeling, I can just imagine the hearbreak. I hope the d&c goes as well as it can with a quick physical recovery. Your heart…well, it won’t recover as quick but know your blog friends (and in real life friends, I hope) are here for you.

  42. I am SO sorry 😦 Sending you lots of love and hugs.

  43. Lyndsey

    I’m so sorry. There’s nothing quite like going in for a silent ultrasound. Some things in life just don’t make any sense. Prayers for you and your family.

  44. No. No no no no no. Oh, Trisha. NO! God, I am so sorry. I cried reading this and my heart just fell to pieces for you. I don’t know what to say. I just wish I could give you a hug or hold your hand as you go through this, but I know not even that would help any. This is unfair and wrong in so many ways. I’m so, so sorry. Please know I’m thinking of you. XO

  45. Pingback: More Tears | Waiting to Expand

  46. staciet

    I am so, so sorry.

  47. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping you will find strength to get you though this. I know the feeling and I hurt for you. **many hugs**

  48. My heart is just breaking for you. I wish this wasn’t happening. I wish I could change things. Life is just so very unfair sometimes. You have my deepest sympathies. Take care.

  49. No no no!!! I am so so sorry!!

  50. Another heart broken for you 😦

  51. TheStorkWhisperer

    So sorry! Life is not supposed to be like this. Please know we are all thinking of you.

  52. I am so, so sorry. Holding you in the light.

  53. I can’t believe this is happening again. I’m so SO awfully sorry for you! Sending you lots of love. This shit just isn’t right.

  54. Emily Erin

    I am so sorry for this awful news. Sending hugs.

  55. There are no words for the sorrow I feel for you. I am so sorry.

  56. Oh, Trisha, I’m so sorry. What a terrible, terrible shock.

  57. You are in my thoughts. I am so sorry for your loss.

  58. No words will make this pain you’re experiencing go away. Sending you a big hug, and hope that we can all give you an added bit of strength to help you hold the pain of this loss.

  59. I am so very very sorry (hugs)

  60. I am so sorry. I just went through a mmc in July, and I feel your sorrow. I am with you.

  61. I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts.

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