After boom

Thank you all for your comments and congratulations! Although I haven’t been as present since Muppet was born I knew I could come to you all with this major change in our lives. I love this community so much and am so grateful for all the support.

I said in my last post that I couldn’t write about all that has happened in one post. Because yes, there is more. While all this was going on with the new adoption we were also coming face to face with some other major life changes. For awhile now we have been toying around with the idea of relocating. Our time in SoCal has been amazing. The people that we have met and who have become our family are truly some of the best people I’ve ever met in my life. While it is hard to think of leaving that kind of comfort we were feeling stagnant. So J started apply and this week caught the fish of our dreams.

At the end of this month we will be moving to Seattle, WA where J will be working for a major gaming studio. We are beyond excited. But adding a major move with all the adoption stuff is making my eye twitch with anxiety and stress. I started filling out paperwork for our home study today. We are working with a Washington agency who is able to get this done in a rush for us so we have every thing prepared before the baby comes. I’m frantically making calls all day trying to arrange physicals, finger printing, and anything we can plausibly get done before we leave Cali. That way as soon as we get to our new home we can start the social worker visits.

We haven’t announced anything about the baby on FB yet. We have quite a few people who know but for the most part we want to get settled in Seattle before we unveil that impending event. Plus I really want to do a picture of Muppet in a big sister shirt to announce. Since this is going to be my last (seriously.) baby I can’t help but really want to do that despite how annoying I’ve found it to be in the past. And right now I just don’t have the time to take that kind of photo the way I want it.

Luckily we have some great friends in Seattle and one of them just bought a house, so the house they were renting is available. We will likely be taking over their lease so that we can get a feel of the area before buying a home of our own. This takes my stress level down a bit as at least I don’t have to worry about rushing to buy a house just so we have a roof over our heads. I’m also going to be going to stay with my parents for a week so that Muppet and I are out-of-the-way for J and the movers. Trying to pack with an 19 month old is just too difficult so luckily our new company is paying someone to do that for us.

AGH. I have so much to do I almost don’t even know where to start. I’m just taking things one day at a time and reminding myself how lucky I am to be having all these amazing things happen for me.



Filed under adoption, Family, Home Study, Motherhood, Moving On

11 responses to “After boom

  1. veetamia

    Seattle is beautiful! My sister lives there and I’ve visited several times; it’s a great place to live.
    Congrats on J’s new job and the start of a new family adventure!

  2. Hey Trisha, I have no idea where in SoCal you currently live, but if it’s anywhere near the Santa Barbara area, I would be happy to do photos of muppet in the shirt (family photos too if you want them) for free. I started following your blog a few years ago after my own pregnancy loss. It was so helpful to be able to read the thoughts and journeys of others in similar boats.
    Anyway. Let me know and I’ll send you my website info if you’re interested.
    Best to you in your move!!

    • That is such an incredibly generous offer! Thank you! Unfortunately we live about 3 hours away from Santa Barbara but I seriously am so grateful for the offer.

  3. Wow! You have some amazing life changes come up soon. Congrats on the new job!

  4. clwalchevill

    Laughing uncontrollably on this end. Will be emailing shortly.

  5. Seattle! That’s our territory, Trisha! The biggest thing I’ve learned since moving here is that it doesn’t rain as much as everyone says it does. Yes, it will rain WAY more than in SoCal, but it’s not horrible, I promise. And it’s incredibly beautiful in the Pacific NW. Hope you love it here! Congrats on all the major life changes and wishing you lots of luck in the move!

  6. I can only imagine the stress, but congratulations! That is so exciting! I have a list of twitter/blog people I want to meet in Portland & Seattle, so I’ll just add you to the list for my vacation planning purposes šŸ˜‰

  7. I’m through the moon for you and your family. When my girl was only two months old we found out that my husband got an amazing opportunity here in San Francisco so we packed up and moved….scariest, craziest thing we’ve done but couldn’t be happier. Take full advantage of the movers/packers and just let them do their thing. There will be hiccups on this crazy adventure but just take them as they come and roll with it. I’m so excited for you family!!

  8. mlong3019

    It’s got to be overwhelming, but in a good way!

  9. You do have a lot on your plate. I can tell you that moving with a newborn would be much more difficult, if only for the sleep deprivation! We moved across the country when our first was 4 months old and it was seriously rough. You’ll be settled in nicely by the time June rolls around. šŸ™‚

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