Microblog Monday: Approaching at Warp-Speed

We just got word today that they have scheduled our birth mom for an induction a whole week earlier than we had originally planned. 7 days which feels like both an incredible blessing as I am so impatient to meet our son, and also a curse because that is 7 days I just lost for getting ready. It puts us under an extreme time crunch for certain things like potty training Muppet (I’m planning on starting next week) and buying a new car. Our current car is a Honda 4 door. While perfectly adequate for everyday use and two car seats, it doesn’t work when we are planning on making long road trips as there is no space in the backseat for me to sit with the kids. We had been planning on getting a small SUV anyways for hiking purposes but originally we weren’t going to do so till after the baby. Now because of the scheduling change we will most likely be driving home after Interstate Compact clears which is a 12 hour drive (we will split it into 2 days). So any suggestions for a small SUV (think Toyota Rav4 or Suburu Outback) that has room in the backseat for 2 car seats and a mom? I also have some sewing projects that I desperately want to get done before the baby arrives. I am so excited to meet this little guy but there isn’t time for excitement right now. Be right back, must go have a panic attack.


P.S. On the bright side I already have his bag packed and it makes me want to squeal with joy to look at all those time clothes.



Filed under #microblogmonday, adoption, Baby Boy, Crazy? I'm not crazy!, Stay At Home Mom

4 responses to “Microblog Monday: Approaching at Warp-Speed

  1. Oh I hear ya about the bittersweetness of learning about an early induction! But no worries…you are gonna do fabulous. You’ll figure it out what needs to be done and what can wait.
    Also, fwiw, we have a toyota highlander and love it. Those are both smaller, not much bigger than any sedan. If those were the options you gave me, I might go Subaru for safety, even though my family swears by Toyota. Between me, hubby, and our parents, we’ve owned 7 over 30 years…

  2. Mel

    So exciting. And overwhelming. And did I say exciting! Sending really good thoughts.

  3. Totally feel for you….we found out that our baby will be coming a MONTH early due to placenta previa. Super excited but super scared all at once.
    Couple of other things…we have a Honda CRV very similar to the Rav 4 and I absolutely love it but there is not much room in the backseat. Two car seats will totally fit but you really have to cram an adult in between them. Would not be comfortable for a long road trip. Just something to think about. Also as far as potty training M unless she’s showing lots of signs of being ready and excited I would totally wait. My girl is 2.5 and while she is day time potty trained (not even close to being ready for overnight) it took many stressful exhausting weeks to get there. And once I started I felt like I had to keep trying, so again just something to think about. Not sure how these people potty train in less than a week because that was so not us. Super excited for you I think both our boys will be arriving around the same time.

  4. I am so excited for you guys!! Ack!!! 😀 We have a Ford Escape as our small SUV and I’m fairly certain an adult could still fit in the back with 2 car seats, plus there’s an excellent trunk storage area. FYI, if you want to be able to tow with the Escape, you have to get the engine upgrade, not sure if that matters for y’all. Best of luck in the coming weeks!! Can’t wait for news that he is arrived 🙂

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